About Me and My Hometown

About Me

My  name's Nayla, Nayla Berliana Nugrahandhini. I was born in Trenggalek, 18 years ago. My hometown is Trenggalek, and now I live in Malang.
My hobby's browsing, singing, listening to the music, playing the piano, traveling, etc. When I was in the kindergarten, I studied in Darma Wanita 2 of Bendorejo KIndergarten, and I continued my study at Bendorejo 5 Elementary School. Next, I continued my study at Junior High School One Trenggalek (My best moment's when I was declared qualify the MIPA's selection which's joined most of 6'th grade students in my Trenggalek Regency), and then my education's journey's Senior High School One Trenggalek, I was Accepted here by MIPA selection and English Competition. My parents are Mr.Abu Mansur and Mrs.Endang Purwiyati. My father's a Civil Servants of Trenggalek Regency, he's 54 years, and my mother's a civics teacher at Senior High School One Trenggalek. I have one brother, he's name's Wildan Maheru Mufida, he's a student at 11'th grade in Senior High School One Trenggalek. We're happy family. (ALHAMDULILLAH)

My Hometown

My hometown's Trenggalek Regency, it's one of a lot of regency in East Java. It's located between Ponorogo and Tulungagung regencies. Trenggalek with an area of ​​126,140 ha, of which 2/3 parts of the breadth of a mountain land, divided into 14 districts and 157 villages. While the vast sea 4 miles from the mainland is 711.68 km. Total population in 2009 of 796,966 souls comprise 50.49% female and 49.51% male. The population in 2010 as 805,082 souls comprise 50.48% of men and 49 522 by 1.01%.

Trenggalek is situated on the South-West of Surabaya, the Capital city of East Java Province, and bordered by Tulungagung in the East, Indonesian Ocean in the South, Pacitan and Ponorogo in the West, Ponorogo and Tulungagung Regencies in the North. 
Trenggalek covers 126.140 Ha, a part of it, is mountainous and the rest is lowland. And tourism places which is very exciting as the other objects.

Trenggalek regencies is enriched with various potential natural resources such as: maining material (marble, limestons, meteorit, orcher, piropillit, feldspar, caolin, trass, sandstons, etc). Agriculture product (rice, corn soja), plantation products (coffee, colve, cacao, coconut mangosteen, zalacca and durian), forest products (such as terpentine as row material for gondorukem / gum) and tourism places which so exciting as the other objects.

There are many visitors often visit this regency to spent their holiday. The visitors are interesting with Trenggalek's tourism objects, such as: Prigi Beach, Damas Beach, Pelang Beach, Karanggongso Beach, Lowo Cave, and also Trenggalek's traditional art and food. Its beautiful and origin beaches are able to invite many visitors. Those visitors are also interesting in Trenggalek's anniversary. It usually held some of traditional attraction, which very interesting.
As coastal area, Trenggalek has many fishermen who can catch many fresh fishes from the sea. They have annual ceremony that called "Larung Semboyo". This ceremony is mean to thank to God because of His blessing to all fishermen.
Visit My Trenggalek Please.... :) for more information, click this " http://www.trenggalekkab.go.id " or " http://www.eastjava.com/tourism/trenggalek/ "

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